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Your Guide to Holistic Fitness Training (Updated for 2021)

Have you been working out for months but not seeing the results you want? Are you looking for ways to put in extra effort to achieve your fitness and wellness goals and desired body shape?

But finding the right personal trainer to design your workout plan and training five to six days a week isn’t enough.

When starting any fitness program, it’s important to take it one day at a time. Rushing it will do you more harm than good. Goals take time to achieve and require a positive attitude. While many of us want instant gratification when it comes to improving our health and getting the body we want, you need a plan that works and then perseveres.

To help you achieve these goals, let’s examine the main aspects of holistic fitness training.

Holistic Fitness Training: What You Need to Know

Holistic fitness training is about living an overall healthy lifestyle that makes long-lasting impacts and isn’t just about losing fat or building muscles.

What is a holistic approach to fitness?

When someone is talking about holistic fitness and training, they mean emphasizing lifestyle and diet along with their workout routine. Additionally, the practitioner must pay attention to their emotional, spiritual, and mental well-being along with physical training. It seeks to:

  • Blend mental and physical health by addressing various aspects of a healthy lifestyle.
  • Improve mental, physical, and emotional health.
  • Incorporate aspects of diet, stress reduction, sleep habits, and traditional exercise.
  • Redefine health and fitness goals to improve overall well-being.

So, instead of spending considerable time at the gym, it encourages individuals to actively work on transforming their mind and body simultaneously.

When you take a holistic approach to fitness training, you will most likely take part in low-impact workouts that are done in a peaceful environment. In the long run, this will aid in increased bone density, weight loss and detoxification, along with reduced aches and levels of the stress hormone cortisol, and much more.

What are the various aspects of holistic training?

When it comes to a holistic approach to fitness, your personal trainer looks beyond your body to address your emotional, social, intellectual, and spiritual health. These are the aspects of holistic health which allow individuals to live every day in the happiest and healthiest way possible. If one of these areas is compromised then the others will also most likely suffer.

So, let’s take a look at the different aspects of holistic training to ensure you achieve your health and fitness goals.

1. Physical

While exercise or physical activity in any form can reduce your risk of disease and improve overall health, it also provides numerous other long-term benefits. So, it can be said that training regularly can improve quality of life.

Hence, individuals are required to prioritize being fit physically and not just training different body parts to transform and improve. They also need to focus on harbouring healthy habits such as following routines, getting adequate sleep, and consuming foods mindfully.

2. Emotional

One of the most often overlooked aspects of holistic fitness is emotional health, which is just as important as physical health. This is because it can affect all other aspects of your overall health.

Some ways to look after your emotional health are to practice stress reduction habits and mindfulness to deal with stress. You can also look for a therapist who understands the importance of emotional health to help you overcome emotional obstacles. Furthermore, you can maintain a journal to record your feelings and thoughts. These include things for which you are grateful. In this way, you bring positivity into your life when you may be feeling particularly stressed.

3. Mental

This aspect comprises an individual’s physical, social, and emotional wellbeing by affecting how you act, think, and feel. It’s one of the most important factors of holistic fitness as it helps you make healthy choices, relate to others, and handle stress.

With the current COVID-19 situation, many people are home-bound which is becoming a catalyst for being unproductive. Over time, we forget to check on our mental health.

To make the shift to holistic fitness, you need to work on your mental wellbeing. This includes yoga, meditation, becoming mindful, exercise, and paying attention to diet.

4. Social

People who are generally happy tend to have deep connections with their family, friends, and community. Speaking of which, being happy and connected can provide a sense of community that ensures people have a support system. This is why it’s necessary to take the time to build social connections and take part in community activities. You should also set boundaries with those who may be adding to your stress.

5. Spiritual

Spirituality plays an important role in holistic wellness. While some may refer to it as a form of religion, others consider it personal growth. It can help you find the purpose and meaning of life and allow you to create joy for yourself and those around you.

Some ways in which you can support your spiritual health are by spending time in nature and dedicating time to meditate every day.

While holistic fitness may hold a different meaning to different people, it will allow you to reach your full potential in terms of personal goals. Remember, when your body, soul, and mind are looked after holistically, you will be better able to pursue and achieve your goals without exhausting yourself. Over time, this leads to a healthy life where you are the best version of yourself.